Biofeedback: Why practice breathing… doesn’t my body already know how to breath?

This graph below is an EKG of my average heartrate over four minutes.  During the first two minutes I was breathing as I normally do.  It is easy to note the erratic, and low range of high and low heart beats during the first two minutes.  During the last two minutes I was practicing deep breathing.  During the second two minutes, you can notice my peaks and valleys are larger, and more even.  This briefly shows how deep breathing directly influences my heart.  Deep breathing is effective for anxiety, PTSD, depression, IBS, stress, and many other concerns.  Each person has a biological deep breath pace that maximizes these effects.  Biofeedback will identify this breathing pace and maximize your benefits.  Please read this article or contact me (Brad Pienkowski, Reg. Psych.) for more information.



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